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Work in progress

This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned. Each project partner upload this section of a three months basis.

Partners' Institution:

University Pablo de Olavide

Project's period (from/to):

01 February 2022 - 19 September 2023

Activity concerned:

PM - Project Management

Objectives of activities carried out:

Project management is carried out throughout the project period and ensures the smooth running of the project activities and the achievement of the expected results.
It is divided into 4 main activities:
- Coordination of activities
- Dissemination
- Exploitation
- Evaluation

Coordination of activities
It includes:
- Planning of all project activities for the 2 years of the project's lifetime
- Participation in and organisation of 6 transnational steering committee meetings
- Creation and updating of the project website
- Reporting of ongoing activities and delivery of annual progress and final reports
- Constant exchange of solutions and circulation of information through e-mails and online meetings
- Verification of the state of the art of the project and the respect of deadlines

- Making the IHES Portal accessible to as many higher education teachers, researchers and students as possible.
- Sharing the IHES Portal and the results of the IHES project with the largest possible number of operators in the field of education
- Share the IHES Portal and the results of the IHES project with the largest number of citizens.
- Disseminate IHES activities and results in the most popular social network.
In the framework of this TA- UPO the following activities are to be carried out:
- Collaborate with PIXEL in the construction of c of the project on Facebook.
- Creation together with PIXEL of the forms to be used by the partnerships
- Creation of the project brochure in English, to be translated by the partners in the national languages.
- Dissemination activities
- Creation of the dissemination reports
- Creation of the transnational dissemination report

Aims to ensure that the project results will be used after the end of the project lifetime. The actions to be carried out are:
- Promote the Portal through exchange links with Portals dealing with similar topics (e.g. Portals providing educational materials for teachers; portals on education, etc.).
- Promote dialogue between public authorities and key policy makers in order to achieve institutional consensus and promote the insertion of the project results in education policies.
- Involve new members as associate partners.

The aim of evaluation is to measure and ensure the quality of all activities and the intellectual output of the project. Both project partners and end-users are involved and will be asked to complete ad hoc questionnaires.

Description of activities carried out:

Coordination of activities
UPO, in cooperation with PIXEL, produced all the material for the kick-off meeting. UPO assisted in the organization and management of the initial partner meeting (hiring of online secretariat and management of simultaneous translation) which took place online, and assisted in the preparation of the agenda for the second partner meeting in Dublin in October 2022, the one in Florence (March 2023) and the one in Lisbon (September 2023).
In particular:
1. preparation of the agenda for all meetings.
2. Constructing the intellectual models that are discussed at the meetings and that are the basis for the work of each intellectual product.
3. Presenting the commitments undertaken by preparing audiovisual material and presentations for the meetings that facilitated the understanding of the task among the partners.
4. The UPO together with PIXEL was in charge of the transnational coordination and supervision of each activity to be carried out by the partners, verifying compliance with the calendar of activities with established deadlines and mailing lists to manage each period of time.
5. UPO was also in charge of establishing individual relationships with partners who needed support or clarification of intellectual production.
6. UPO developed the forms used for intellectual activities and project management. Together with Pixel, UPO has periodically encouraged partners to meet deadlines by clarifying and supporting as many questions as necessary.
7. UPO was also responsible for establishing individual relationships with partners who needed support or clarification of intellectual output, both for the organization of focus groups and for the selection of specialists for Delphi consultations. These tasks have been important given the methodological demands of the intellectual output.
8. Finally, there has been the task of classifying, ordering and preparing the data custody of the research material of the intellectual products.
9. Mention the management of travel for transnational meetings. It is a task that takes time and effort and has been successfully carried out in order to manage the best travel according to the available resources.

Upo has organized several dissemination events on social networks and associated websites.
The IHES Portal and the results of the IHES project have been shared with various institutions and educational media (e.g. BICEFACS pp. 34-35) sociales/es/de-interes/.galleries/Boletines/11-BICEFACS-17-07-22.pptx.pdf ihes-sobre-inclusión-en-la-universidad-de-personas-con-discapacidad-arranca-con-un-seminario-internacional/ /participación-de-la-upo/asociaciones-estrategicas/?imprimible de-educacion-superior-inclusivo-para-estudiantes-con-discapacidad-intelectual/

The UPO designed the project brochure in English and managed the publicity material.

UPO created the templates to be used by the partners to perform the intellectual product exploitation activities.
UPO has designed together with ISCTE the IO1 analytical frameworks, the categories of analysis that have formed the scientific basis for the DELPHI data collection instruments and the focus groups.
Specifically, the UPO has generated material for the exploitation of a DELPHI group of 6 disability specialists and the realization of 4 focus groups (of teachers, managers, students with intellectual disabilities and students without disabilities).
The UPO has been responsible for compiling the material from the focus groups of the ICSTE and the University of Florence for systematization and joint analysis. This material has been given to the other partners so that they can elaborate the contents of the online course IO1.
Specifically, the UPO has been in charge of the elaboration of the contents of the online course module 3 research. In addition, it has been responsible for the adaptation of the entire course in the teaching version, which has involved generating specific resources and designing the evaluation test questions.
As project coordinator, the UPO has been in charge of the complementary review of the online course content to verify the coherence of what has been developed by all partners. The course contents have been translated into English on the project's web platform. And video recordings have been designed and organized with students with intellectual disabilities for module introductions.
Starting in May, the UPO set out to develop the piloting of the IO1 online course. This task has been developed from May to September 2023. For this purpose, a tool was designed to collect data from the participating students and to allow each partner involved in the pilot to prepare a report after the pilot. This tool contains the following evaluation dimensions: Pilot development; Tangible elements; Planning; Inclusiveness; Relevance; and Effectiveness. The data to complete the variables were obtained through a Google form completed by the students who participated in the piloting activity. There is one form per country:
- Ireland: - [email protected]
- Italy: - [email protected]
- Portugal: - [email protected]
- Spain: - [email protected]

UPO supported the partners in analyzing the data and writing their report. Specifically, UPO has been in charge of coordinating the piloting in Spain, contacting students from several Spanish universities. A pilot of 25 students (11 with disabilities and 14 without disabilities) has been achieved. The work has not been easy since the project was ready to be piloted close to the vacations. In the case of Spain, it has been achieved thanks to the collaboration of the University Summer Campus UNILUZ (funded by ONCE Foundation), one of the associated partners, and the University of Almeria, which enabled a considerable response from non-disabled students.

Until September 30, 2022, the UPO has been in charge of designing the category system that develops the areas of work of IO2. With this category system, IO" exploitation templates have been designed and sent to the partners for discussion at meeting 2 (Dublin 2022).
From October 2022 to March 2023, UPO has created the templates that are being used by the partners to carry out the intellectual product exploitation activities, specifically UPO has designed the IO2 analytical frameworks, the categories of analysis that have formed the scientific framework. basis for the DELPHI data collection instruments and the focus groups.
The UPO has generated material for the exploitation of a DELPHI group of 6 disability specialists and the realization of 4 focus groups (of teachers, managers, students with intellectual disabilities and students without disabilities).
Technical reality of Delphi IO2:
Acach partner received a first batch of responses from the Delphi questionnaire designed to be answered by inclusion specialists. Each partner sent the answers to the UPO and the responses were systematized through a report. Thanks to this report, the questionnaire has been redesigned to be sent a second time to the same specialists. The Delphi technique involves up to 3 mailings to refine the consensus on the topics asked. Once this phase has been completed, the UPO has been in charge of systematizing the final answers of the Delphi groups of the rest of the partners in a report useful for the subsequent drafting of the content of the IO2 digital handbook.
IO2 focus groups:
Coordinated the recruitment of stakeholders to participate in the focus groups organized by each partner. Consultation on partner focus groups has been attended. The structure (analytical framework) and category structure of the templates previously developed for consultation in the IO2 focus groups has been designed and explained. The participants have been recruited and the material resource (laboratory) where the focus groups have been carried out has been programmed (Laboratory of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the end of March).
In April and May the reports of the UPO focus groups have been made and a general report has been made with the focus groups of all the partners, which has been the basis for the elaboration of the IO2 contents.
Between June and July the contents of the digital manual have been elaborated. Specifically, the chapters on gender and social networks, the disability observatory and Spanish legislation have been prepared.
The templates for IO3 have been started and will be completed and elaborated for discussion among the partners at the next meeting in Lisbon.

The internal evaluation of the project activities is carried out according to an evaluation model developed by Pixel.
According to the evaluation model adopted, the UPO and all its researchers have completed the management activities; information systems; organization of meetings, etc.
On the other hand, one of the products of the tasks of the online course has been the issuance of the evaluation report of the piloting of the course delivery to the students. The reports of the different partners constitute a very valuable material for the evaluation of results and the perception of the target public on the uses, relevance and perception of the training.

So far, the UPO has carried out 8 dissemination events. The main exploitation tasks (e.g. conducting focus groups) are being dynamized through the IHES and UPO social networks, Instagram, Twiter and Facebook
From October 2022 to March 2023, Upo has continued to organize several outreach events on social networks and partner organizations' websites, mainly to publicize transnational meetings and the holding of focus groups of students with and without disabilities, faculty and administrative staff. So far the UPO has held 31 dissemination events. These are the latest:
https:/ /

In addition, the UPO has prepared a report on the use of intellectual products for scientific dissemination.

Operating partners
UPO has generated links with 3 associated partners:
Camilo José Cela University
ONCE Foundation
Faculty of Social Sciences. Laboratory of the Faculty of Social Sciences:

However, at least 3 more partners are expected to support us in the piloting of IO1 by May 2023. Although the University of Almeria has directly supported us, a formalized collaboration agreement from the corresponding faculty is still pending.

Results Achieved:

Archived results:
Audios and videos of the 12 focus groups conducted (IO1) 2.
2. Transcriptions in Word format of the 12 transcriptions of the focus groups IO1.
3. IHES brand image manual (creative design of the project logo).
4. Photographic material of the online coordination meetings.
5. Photographic material of the IO1 Spain focus groups.
6. Audios and videos of the 4 focus groups (focus groups in Spanish).
7. Photographic material of the focus groups of IO2 Spain.
8. Report 1 of the Delphi panel of IO1 intellectual products.
9. IO2 Intellectual Products Delphi Panel Report 1.
10. Transcripts in audio-visual file and in Word format of the 12 focus groups IO2.
11. PR2.E_EN_ Indicators
This document is a summary of the content. It consists of indicators, categories that we have been able to extract from the speeches of our stakeholders in focus groups and delphi in all countries. It is the most summarized version of the report that UPO has made of all the material from Spain, Portugal, Italy and Ireland.
12. PR2.E T.abla de contenido _Documentary analysis_Delphi_Focusgroup
This document is the central one for the elaboration of the contents since it has involved the systematization of the discourses at the level of categories and basic indicators that have been adapted to possible topics and topic descriptors to be dealt with in each of the parts that make up the manual. It also includes the origin of the topics, i.e., which target group talks about them and, therefore, the source that justifies their inclusion.
13. PR2.E Table of contents Documentary analysis_gross_analysis
This document provides an orderly presentation of what has been elaborated by the partners and incorporates the textual citations that support the choice of indicators and, therefore, of the subject matter.