Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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Project Description

This section presents the main information about the IHES Project.
Universities do not offer the same opportunities to all students with functional diversity. People with intellectual disabilities are still excluded from the higher education environment.University policies have not consolidated structural strategies to make higher education accessible to people with intellectual disabilities.

The purposes of IHES project is:
  • Develop and implement online programme on inclusion and independent living for people with intellectual disabilities in universities.
  • Design and pilot a methodology to support inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities in the Higher Education (HE) systems.
  • Develop a set of recommendations to university policy and decision makers at HE level on how to promote inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities.

Target Groups
The project is addressed to:
  • University students with intellectual disabilities
  • University students and lecturers in social sciences, economics, education, sports, humanities and law
  • University faculty
  • University rectors and policy makers in the field of Higher Education

Expected Results
For the purpose the project will develop and make accessible the following deliverables:
  • An Online Training Programme for the acquisition of skills related to the empowerment and equal opportunities life of people with intellectual disabilities
  • A Digital Handbook on models and strategies to promote inclusion and independent living within the university for students with intellectual disabilities.
  • Recommendations for the higher education sector (decision makers and policy makers) on how to build a more inclusive university system.