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Online Training Course

The on-line course focuses on the topics of inclusion and independent living at the university for people with intellectual disabilities. The course is cognitively accessible in the Easy Reading modality that supports people with intellectual disabilities during the learning process.
It is relevant for:
  • students with intellectual disabilities because it allows them a general contact with the university context and its main functions, teaching, research and management. The course becomes one more tool of accessibility to higher education for this population group.
  • undergraduate students as a tool to raise awareness of the needs of people with intellectual disabilities in the university context.
  • teachers as a tool for innovation and improvement of teaching, research and transfer in relation to a population group usually far from the university space.
  • administration and services staff as a tool to raise awareness about the administrative needs of students with intellectual disabilities in the university.
The most common theoretical approaches that appear both in the literature and in the empirical data of the IHES project, from a "teaching" point of view, are a) social paradigm of disability; b) independent living; and c) universal learning design. These will be briefly explained below through theoretical notions as well as the opinions of speciali ...
This module will look at the dimensions of inclusion for those with intellectual disability in the third level sector. Universities and institutes of higher education are being transformed by the social and economic changes of the wider environment. In the same way, the increasing levels of outreach and improved access to traditionally excluded stu ...
Scientific production in the field of intellectual disabilities is extensive, although mainly framed from medical and rehabilitative perspectives. Research on higher education and intellectual disability is increasing given the proliferation of inclusive proposals in the higher education space. ...
This module will look at inclusive policies generated by inclusive culture and that follow up on inclusive practicies. Also the topics of the creation of spaces for the active participation of university students, and the creation of environments and processes of participation specifically for students with disabilities will be presented. ...