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Work in progress

This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned. Each project partner upload this section of a three months basis.

Partners' Institution:

University of Siena

Project's period (from/to):

01 March 2023 - 04 October 2023

Activity concerned:

PM - Project Management

Objectives of activities carried out:

Since Project Management (PM) is intended to guarantee the correct functioning of project activities and the achievement of expected results, it has been carried out during the lifespan of the project period referred above, taking into account 4 main objectives:

PMO 1: Co-coordination of activities
PMO 2: Dissemination and sustainability
PMO 3: Exploitation
PMO 4: Evaluation

In general, to meet requirements of allocated tasks.

Description of activities carried out:

PMO 1: Co-coordination of activities

- Creation of a group to conduct Delphi Panel.
- Searching for target groups to conduct focus groups.
- Making connections with potential actors/partners in the Italian context.
- Searching for possible associated partners and signing collaboration agreements.
- Identification of the target group to pilot PR1.
- Meetings and discussions with the working group to support the project.
- Reporting of ongoing activities and delivery of annual progress and final reports

PMO 2: Dissemination and sustainability
- Creation and updating of the project website.
- Participation in one transnational meetings of the project team (Florence and Lisbon/on line)
- Sharing the IHES Portal and the results of the IHES project with the highest number of operators in the field of education
- Sharing the IHES Portal and the results of the IHES project with the highest number of citizens
- Spreading the IHES activities and results on the most popular Social Network
- Creation of the dissemination reports

Regarding sustainability, the actions carried out are:

- Promotion of the Portal through exchange links with Portals dealing with similar topics.
- Involvement of new members as associate partners (University of Florence)
- Promote dialogue between public authorities and key policy makers in order to achieve institutional consensus and promote the insertion of the project results in education policies.

PMO 3: Exploitation

PR2: four focus groups were conducted with four different stakeholders: students, students with disabilities, teachers and administrative staff. As a result, more than 10 hours of recording and a total of 100 pages of written content were obtained for exploitation.
In addition, a Delphi Panel was administered to seven university professors and experts.

PMO 4: Evaluation

The objective of the evaluation is to measure and ensure the quality of all the activities and the intellectual result of the project. The internal evaluation of the project activities is carried out according to an evaluation model developed by Pixel. UniSiena is committed to high standard processes and results for the project, therefore UniSiena - as a Project Partner - has participated and filled out the questionnaires associated or related to the evaluation processes regarding the different aspects of the project (i.e. management, activities, meetings, etc…)

Results Achieved:

- Completion of the first round of Delphi Panel (PR2).
- Creation of links with university and association entities in the area that address similar issues.
- Collection of documents useful for research purposes.
- Completion of all actions useful for the final piloting of PR1.
- Promotion of the project at the university level.
- Audios and videos of the 4 focus groups conducted.
- Transcripts in Word format files of the 4 transcripts of the focus groups.
- Report of piloting
- First draft PR2 - handbook