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Module 4 - Management

Students Learning Path

10.3. Learning objects/practical activities
Module 4 discusses the various strategies, at the management level, that could foster the inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities within the university. Paragraph 10, focuses on University Policies.

Duration: 45 minutes for each activities

Learning objectives for students:

  • being aware of the importance of removing the preclusion of some students' participation in academic life in relation to intellectual functioning characteristics and neuro-diversity;

  • know how to undertake paths of self-assessment and quality improvement of inclusive actions;

  • in line with the principles of reasonable accommodation, know how to engage with faculty so that academic knowledge can be made accessible in relation to individual neurodiversity needs;

  • take an active part in informing their peers about the actions taken both internally within the academic environment and externally;

  • be aware of the inclusive management of the physical spaces of academic facilities so that everyone feels they belong as a welcoming and accessible place beyond individual functioning characteristics;

  • co-participate in the management of academic life time from a sustainability perspective;

  • identify and employ useful strategies to make the academic environment cognitively accessible through the adoption of functional forms of communication;  

  • Knowing how to share and co-design strategies for curricular adaptation and educational offerings together with faculty members.

In order to reinforce your knowledge, we propose the following activities:
Activity 1: Based on the concepts discussed in Chapter 10, make a concept map in which all the concepts discussed and the relationship between them are clearly identified.
Activity 2: Make an example of a podcast for the presentation of university application procedures tailored to the needs of students with intellectual disabilities.