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Module 2 - Campus Life

Administrative Staff Learning Path

6.1. Online Resources
¿Por qué son importantes los apoyos en los contextos naturales?
In this video from the Plena Inclusión España channel, Ester Ortega (Fundación TUYA) talks about the double importance of the support provided to people with intellectual disabilities in community contexts.

Asistencia personal
Web resource of the Spanish confederation of organisations of people with intellectual or developmental disabilities that summarises relevant information about the figure of the personal assistant. From the associative movement we consider the development of this figure of support in all areas of the life of the person as a fundamental step for their full incorporation as citizens with full rights.

La UPO de Sevilla destaca el modelo de "vivienda inclusiva" de su residencia universitaria Flora Tristán
Press release from the Europa Press news agency presenting the temporary housing project for young students with intellectual disabilities. It highlights the value of this initiative as an innovative response in which the public-private alliance between the university, the city council and organisations representing people with disabilities is the backbone of the project.