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Work in progress

This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned. Each project partner upload this section of a three months basis.

Partners' Institution:

Universal Learning System

Project's period (from/to):

01 February 2022 - 31 October 2023

Activity concerned:

PM - Project Management

Objectives of activities carried out:

To meet requirements of allocated tasks.

Description of activities carried out:

Creating list of links and resources for conduct of the tasks
Establishing links with potential actors/partners in the Irish context
Creating group to conduct Delphi Research
Carrying out R1 of Delphi Research
Meetings with various actors in Ireland to discuss possible liaisons.
Seeking partners to participate in Focus Groups.
Updating/completing documents on IHES website re dissemination
Exploring options, preparation and organising of venue for Partners' meeting in Ireland
Commencing research into work in this area in other countries
Compiling comments as response to the initial drafts for the OTP as part of PR1, alternative to focus group.
Ongoing meetings and discussions supporting the project.
Organising and coordinating Partners in person meeting in Ireland
Delphi Survey PR2 shared
Contributing to development of Handbook> developed template
Contributing to development of Online Training Programme
Proofreading English versions of all documents
OTP Finalised
Handbook introductions written by ULS
2 Chapters of Handbook written by ULS
Handbook reviewed and finalised
Proofreading completed by ULS
Ongoing recruitment for pilot of OTP

Results Achieved:

First round of Delphi research completed.
Links established with small number of relevant actors in Ireland
Gathering of useful research documents
Completion of response for PR1> comments on UPO document.
Meetings conducted with various actors.
Partners' Project meeting preparations made.
Successful partners in-person meeting held in Dublin
Delphi survey completed by some invitees
ULS section of OTP completed
Handbook template developed and shared
Initial work on Handbook introductory sections begun
Handbook introductions all completed
ULS Handbook Chapters completed
Handbook finalised