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Work in progress

This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned. Each project partner upload this section of a three months basis.

Partners' Institution:

ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon

Project's period (from/to):

01 February 2022 - 14 April 2023

Activity concerned:

PM - Project Management

Objectives of activities carried out:

Since Project Management (PM) is intended to guarantee the correct functioning of project activities and the achievement of expected results, it has been carried out during the lifespan of the project period referred above, taking into account 4 main objectives:

PMO 1: Co-coordination of activities
PMO 2: Dissemination and sustainability
PMO 3: Exploitation
PMO 4: Evaluation

Description of activities carried out:

Every PM objective have associate activities, which are explained below:

PMO 1: Co-coordination of activities
It includes:
- Planning assistance for all project activities through specific content proposal and/or theoretical-methodological discussion.
- Participation in transnational steering committee meetings.
- Updating the project website through content production and uploading.
- Reporting of ongoing activities and delivery of reports
- Constant exchange of solutions and circulation of information through emails and online meetings
- Ongoing discussion about the state of the art of the project
- Executable deadline negotiation for project's outputs

PMO 2: Dissemination and sustainability
- Making the IHES Portal accessible to as many higher education teachers, researchers and students as possible.
- Sharing the IHES Portal and the results of the IHES project with the largest possible number of associate partners and civil society organizations
- Share the IHES Portal and the results of the IHES project with the largest number of citizens.
- Disseminate IHES activities and results in social media and other institutional websites
- Collaboration in the translation of the project brochure into Portuguese.

Regarding sustainability, the actions carried out are:
- Promotion of the Portal through exchange links with Portals dealing with similar topics (i.e. CIES Research Center).
- Involvement of new members as associate partners (i.e. students with and without disabilities, teachers, researchers, university staff and civil society organizations linked to disability)

PMO 3: Exploitation
Iscte, as leader of the Working Package 1 (WP1), and specifically of the coordination of the two rounds of the Delphi Panel that give content to the Online Courses, has been responsible for extracting and exploiting the data from these two rounds, both in its qualitative aspect and quantitative, resulting in two comprehensive and detailed reports on the content.

In the same way, it has carried out, for this same WP1, four Focus Groups with four different actors: students, students with disabilities, teachers and staff. As a result, more than 5 hours of recording and a total of 175 pages of written content have been obtained for exploitation.

Regarding WP2, Iscte has contacted another 6 specialists (different from those of the first product) and has passed the first round of the Delphi panel. He is currently awaiting the results of the second round of this panel.

In addition, she has carried out two of the four focus groups integrating new people for the target groups of students and students with disabilities, and she is waiting to carry out the other two until the end of the month.

Regarding WP3, it has already organized the topics that will be developed, which have been approved at the Florence meeting (March 2023).

PMO 4: Evaluation
The objective of the evaluation is to measure and ensure the quality of all the activities and the intellectual result of the project. The internal evaluation of the project activities is carried out according to an evaluation model developed by Pixel. Iscte is committed to high-standard processes and results for the project, therefore Iscte, as a Project Partner, has participated and filled out all the questionnaires associated or related to the evaluation processes regarding the different aspects of the project (i.e. , management, activities, meetings, etc)

Results Achieved:

Archived results:
2 WP1 Debugged databases of all Delphi Panel Experts from all partner’s countries.
2 Intermediate Reports about the two Delphi Panel’s phases of WP1
1 Final report about Delphi Panel for WP1
4 Focus Group Audios conducted for WP1
2 Focus Group Audios conducted for WP2
Transcripts in Word format files of the 6 Focus Groups previously referred.
Photographic material of online coordination meetings.
15 dissemination events that are already registered on the project’s website.
A total of 36 Target Group individuals already involved in the project (among which, professors, students, students with disabilities, university staff and civil society organizations representatives)