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Module 2 - Campus Life

Teachers Learning Path

6.2. Downloadable Documents

Cuaderno de Buenas Prácticas: Servicio de ocio inclusivo

This document gathers the inclusive leisure service model of the Plena Inclusion Spain associative movement, to which hundreds of people, 16 federations and numerous entities have contributed. Among other topics, the document talks about: What is leisure, Importance of leisure, Leisure and people with intellectual disabilities, Quality leisure, Inclusive leisure service, Process map, Support processes, Strategic processes and Transformation.


La Residencia Universitaria Flora Tristán: convivencias y vivencias para constituir ciudadanía y crear comunidad

This article reflects an experience of social innovation with the community from the university: The Flora Tristán Residence Hall. A renewed way of bringing together three worlds: academic, professional and neighbourhood. The setting up of this social and residential centre of the Pablo de Olavide University has meant the creation of a physical and symbolic space for these different realities to meet, which has stimulated great synergies and learning, provoking changes in the territory and in the perception of it, as well as in the way of understanding community social intervention.