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Module 4 - Management

Teachers Learning Path

10.1. Online Resources

The social model of disability: an outdated ideology?:

The papers explore the background to British academic and political debates over the social model, and argue that the time has come to move beyond this position. Three central criticisms of the British social model are presented, focussing on: the issue of impairment; the impairment/disability dualism; and the issue of identity. It is suggested that an embodied ontology offers the best starting point for disability studies, and some signposts on the way to a more adequate social theory of disability are provided.

T Hellblom-Thibblin, N Klang & K Åman (2012) Biopsychosocial model and the ICF-CY in in-service training: general educators’ reflections, International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 58:1, 12-19, DOI: 10.1179/2047387711Y.0000000003 :

Provision of support to enhance participation of children with disabilities in inclusive classrooms is a challenge for general educators, special educators, and other professionals involved in work with children with disabilities. In this study, the biopsychosocial model in the ICF-CY has been used to construct in-service training for general educators about children with disabilities. The effects on in-service training have been evaluated through analysis of general educators’ reflections about their competence to meet special needs of children with disabilities at the end of the course. The results show that general educators consider ICF-CY model to be a useful tool in searching for explanations to problems that can arise in classroom but also expressed need for interprofessional collaboration. At the end of the course, the educators reflected on both pedagogical competence to meet children’s needs and knowledge about children with disabilities. The results raise the importance of knowledge about how different disabilities can be formulated and understood in a problem-solving process.

ICF Online: >

In this environment it is possible to consult the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), Italian and English versions. The ClaML formats of the "International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health," 2001 and 2014 versions, are prepared and maintained by the World Health Organization's Italian Collaborating Center for the Family of International Classifications-Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia. You can navigate through the entire hierarchy by expanding the different levels until you reach the desired category. Once a category has been selected from the ever-present hierarchy on the left, a page containing all the information, from code to title, from inclusions to exclusions, from notes to qualifiers, is presented on the right.

Desarrollo de Sistemas Educativos Inclusivos, Mel Ainscow: >


Almost ten years have passed since the idea of inclusive education emerged at the Salamanca World Conference on Special Education. In that period there has been continuing activity in many countries with the aim of making educational policy and practice more inclusive. In this paper I will draw on research from my own country, England, to illustrate what remains to be done to go beyond what has been achieved so far. More specifically, I will focus on the following question: What are the "levers" that can make education systems more inclusive?

La inclusió escolar d'un infant amb diversitat funcional: una història de vida: > /

This research proposes the description and analysis of the process of inclusion carried out in a school with the objective of making the inclusion of a child with learning difficulties more effective. The thesis report that we present here is fruit of the investigation carried out over the course of four and a half years in collaboration with this school. The analysis of the situations of inclusion for different contexts and countries, the study of the principal work from the various authors on this subject, and the assumptions and hypotheses generated from the schools from the inclusion experiences have also allowed, in this research, to identify the critical points in which base the actions and strategies to promote the design and development process of the inclusion practices for this child. From a methodological level, in this research there has been an ethnographical approach carried out with the aim of creating a life story. Moreover, with the aim of transforming the situation of the child and improving their quality of life (based on their voice), we have also carried out, in parallel, a process of action research. In terms of results, this thesis report contains the life story of a child, a set of considerations that emerge from the analysis of the process of inclusion and the conclusions drawn from this analysis.


Inclusive education as a right. Framework and guidelines for action for the development of a pending revolution: >


There is growing interest worldwide in the idea of "inclusive education". In richer countries, many young people leave school without significant skills, others are directed towards different types of alternatives that deny them the experience of formal education, and others simply choose to leave school because they believe that the lessons it offers are irrelevant to their lives. The meaning of "inclusive education" or "inclusive education" remains unclear, with different proposals, as we shall see below.





In this text, ideas and questions are raised by the author that will contribute to the debate and analysis of some important issues and perspectives related to the multifaceted process of educational inclusion, as a counterbalance to the forms and processes of educational exclusion that are most often configured as a prelude to social exclusion.