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Module 2 - Campus Life

Administrative Staff Learning Path

5.1. References and Resources
Timmons, Jaimie, Allison Cohen Hall, Jennifer Bose, Ashley Wolfe and Jean Winsor (2011) Choosing Employment: Factors that Impact Employment Decisions for Individuals with Intellectual Disability.
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 49 (4), 285-299.

DeSeCo programme (OECD, 2000)

European Commission, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, Key competences for lifelong learning, Publications Office, 2019,

Spitzberg and Cupach, (1984) Communication Competence.

Universidat Jaume I in the city of Castellon in the Comunidad Valencia offers a study programme for persons with ID between the ages of 18 and 30. The aim of the programme is to give persons with ID the social and professional skills needed to access employment opportunities. Programme participants follow a clearly structured distinct course structure separate from other undergraduate students but on the same campus.

Trinity College Dublin (TCD )Erasmus + Project ‘Joinin’
Background: Inclusive post-secondary education (IPSE) programmes are for individuals with Intellectual Disability (ID). These programmes are housed in traditional post-secondary colleges and universities. They are still a relatively rare practice but hold much promise for improved adult outcomes in individuals with ID. Globally, the number of IPSE programme opportunities for young adults with ID is limited. This deficit highlights both a global need and a global opportunity for the expansion of IPSE programmes in the tertiary educational sector.