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Self-Assessment Questionnaire

Module 2 - Campus Life

ID Students Learning Path

What is this test about? This test is to assess your knowledge of module 2. In this test you will be asked about the contents of module 2. If you don't remember or don't know the answer, go back to module 2 and read it again. Now you are going to read 15 questions. Choose the correct answer for each question.

Question n° 1/15

We have studied the value of supports
to people with intellectual disability’s inclusion.
What should do a person to be a good support?

To be aware of the capacity of everybody to make their own decisions.

To focus on the goals and wishes of the person with disability.

To help the person with disability to interact with other people.

To help the person with disability to develop his abilities as much as possible.

All answers are correct.

Table of Content