Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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Funded by the European Union.

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

IHES Target Groups

The project is addressed to:
  • University students of careers related to social sciences, economics, education, sports, humanities and law.
  • University students with intellectual disabilities.
  • University faculty.
  • University rectors and policymakers in the field of Higher Education.

They are involved in the project activities to develop methods and tools to address intellectual disabilities issues in the higher education community.

IHES Outputs


Online Training Programme

  • On inclusion and independent living within the University for people with intellectual disabilities.
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Digital Handbook

  • On model and strategies to promote Inclusion and Independent Living within the University for students with intellectual disabilities.
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  • For the higher education sector (decision-makers and policymakers) on how to build a more inclusive university system.
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IHES Partnership

Latest News

Multilanguge Digital Handbook


Multilanguge Digital Handbook

The Digital Handbook is now available in all partners' languages and in the Easy Reading version.

It is relevant for:

  • undergraduate students with and without disabilities because it offers strategies to make the university friendlier in several areas such as curricula, university coexistence, gender equality and support networks, international mobility, orientation and labour inclusion.
  • teachers because it offers tools to broaden the scientific view of disability in science, technology and innovation, and because it offers relevant information to make teaching accessible to this population group.
  • administration and services staff as a tool to improve accessibility in the administrative management of the campus and to offer friendly environments in the context of university services.

Think Tank Group


Think Tank Group

The IHES project is currently creating the Think Tank Group, a reflection group that would give its opinion on the policy recommendations that the project consortium is developing. If you wish to be part of the group, please contact the representatives of the contractual partners.

Digital Handbook for Independent Living of Students with Intellectual Disabilities


Digital Handbook for Independent Living of Students with Intellectual Disabilities

The digital handbook covers the following topics: how to facilitate access to different university services for students with intellectual disabilities; how to improve socialisation in the university environment; how to support the learning process of students with intellectual disabilities; how to improve employability.

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