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Module 3 - Research

Teachers Learning Path

8.1. Online Resources

Spanish Centre for Documentation and Research on Disability (CEDID) (Spain)

The Spanish Centre for Documentation and Research on Disability (CEDID) is an advisory centre to the Royal Board on Disability, to which it offers specialised technical advice for the development of its editorial, training, research, planning and dissemination activities, among others. At the same time, it is a service open to public and private entities, professionals, researchers, academics, people with disabilities and/or anyone interested in disseminating scientific knowledge on disability and providing access to specialised and updated information on this subject.


The National Disability Authority (NDA) (Ireland)

The National Disability Authority (NDA) publishes research reports, policy papers, fact sheets and newsletters on disability issues and produces other resources such as toolkits and an e-learning module on disability awareness.

The NDA's work uses a number of data sources, including census data and other national household survey data. The main sources are linked on the Disability Data Sources webpage. Primary data are also collected and, where appropriate, made available to researchers. See the NDA databases.


Balcão IncluiES (Portugal)

Inserted in the "Inclusion for Knowledge" Programme promoted by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, the Balcão IncluiES, which gathers contents in support of disability resulting from partnerships with various entities and associations


Centro di Documentazione sulla Disabilità (CDD) (Italy)

The Disability Documentation Centre (CDD) is a place where a wealth of up-to-date information and knowledge is made available to all those interested in disability issues (organisations, associations, people with disabilities, operators, researchers, parents). The Centre collects specialised information and documentary material of a theoretical and technical-operational nature and makes it available for consultation and loan. It also has an online catalogue designed for easy reading.


Inclusive Research Network (IRN) (Ireland)

The IRN is a group of people with intellectual disabilities who come together to research ideas and issues that interest them.

Its aims are to create a place where people with intellectual disabilities are supported to do their own research; share power: People with disabilities are part of the decision making at all stages of the project; and to build a research community in Ireland.

Below is a link to information from the IRN in easy to read format.


Trinity Centre for People with Intellectual Disabilities (TCPID) (Ireland)

The Trinity Centre for People with Intellectual Disabilities (TCPID) is located in the School of Education at Trinity College Dublin. Its main aim is to promote the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in education and society.

Its mission is to enable people with intellectual disabilities to fulfil their potential through a combination of high quality research, dissemination of new knowledge, lifelong learning and vocational training. The Centre offers people with intellectual disabilities the opportunity to participate in a higher education programme designed to enhance their ability to participate fully in society as independent adults.


Disability and Human Rights Observatory (ODDH) (Portugal)

The objective of the Disability and Human Rights Observatory (ODDH) is to monitor the development of disability policy in Portugal and Portuguese-speaking countries and to promote participatory processes for monitoring and promoting disability rights. Its activity is developed around four axes of intervention


Centro Documentazione Handicap (Cooperativa Sociale Accaparlante Onlus) (Italy)

The Association Centro Documentazione Handicap, created in 1996, runs a documentation centre (active since 1982 on the initiative of the A.I.A.S. of Bologna) on the themes of disability, social difficulties, voluntary work and the third sector.