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Module 4 - Management

Teachers Learning Path

11.2. Downloadable Documents

Manifesto on an Inclusive University

The Manifesto on an Inclusive University focuses on the condition of young beneficiaries of international and temporary protection who intend to continue their studies and research activity in the country of asylum, and stems from the awareness that the cultural, technical, and intellectual experiences gained by refugees in various parts of the world can be a great resource for Italy.


Training Politicians Towards a more Inclusive Leadership: a Proposal:

Equality and representation are founding principles for contemporary democracies. Yet, notwithstanding the increasing adoption, in recent years, of different measures targeted at reducing the representation gap, exclusionary dynamics in politics persist, with crucial consequences for the quality of political decision-making. This brief fulfils two main objectives: first, building from original research, it makes a case for the advantages of fostering an inclusive model of leadership in politics, and it proposes a way to achieve this result by targeting the behaviour and organizational culture of political “gate-keepers” – political parties and experienced male politicians; second, it presents the training curriculum of the Inclusive Leadership Initiative (ILI), whose aim is to provide useful and innovative contents and skills to male politicians to overcome the exclusive dynamics of traditional conceptions of authoritativeness, power and leadership across the political sphere. The different modules of the ILI curriculum presented here are based on the results of original research and a pilot study both held in 2021


Transformation School Leadership in a transactional policy world, Kenneth Leithwood

Transformational leadership is a term which has appeared with increasing frequency in writings about education since the late 1980’s. Sometimes it has been used to signify an appropriate type of leadership for schools taking up the challenges of restructuring now well underway in most developed countries throughout the world (Leithwood, 1992). In this context, a common-sense, non-technical meaning of the term is often assumed. For example, the dictionary definition of transform is ‘to change completely or essentially in composition or structure’ (Webster, 1971). So any leadership with this effect may be labelled transformational, no matter the specific practices it entails or even whether the changes wrought are desirable.