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Module 2 - Campus Life

Administrative Staff Learning Path

Aims and Objectives

The Aim of this Module is to produce a comprehensive set of skills, knowledge and experience to enable participants to define, implement and maintain inclusive methods and techniques that enable the fullest engagement in university life of those with experience of intellectual disability.


By the end of this Module, participants will be able
1. To appreciate and define the key principles of social inclusion within the higher education sector
2. To articulate the values and methods that underpin enhanced access at third level for those with intellectual disability
3. To describe the key principles and issues that inform diversity in modern society and to articulate a human rights perspective on diversity
4. To describe and define the key university services that contribute towards the inclusion of those with intellectual disabilities
5. To construct the key elements of a personal assistance service in higher education settings
6. To describe the key contribution made possible by advanced technologies to independent living
7. To articulate linkage with cultural and sporting dimensions
8. To describe the needs of those requiring independent living and requisite supports
9. To map out all other social, economic, academic and personal supports that may be required to support the active engagement of those with intellectual disabilities in higher education systems
10. To develop the ability of ID students to adapt to the norms of university life