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Module 2 - Campus Life

Administrative Staff Learning Path

4.1. Online Resources
Una historia de discapacidad o no
Video testimony of Jesus, a person with intellectual disabilities "expert by experience". He reflects, through his story, the importance of the support he has received. He places these supports within a process of personal maturation. For him it has been fundamental to realize the relationship between active participation in making decisions relevant to his life and his personal satisfaction. This story is continued in the first minutes of the following video . It was broadcasted in the news on TVE1 (Spanish public television channel) on April 20, 2.021.

Apoyos 2030: un viaje para avanzar hacia apoyos personalizados y en comunidad
Suggested reading for a first approach to the concepts SUPPORT (pages 42 to 46) and INCLUSIVE COMMUNITY (pages 47 to 50). This book proposes alternatives to improve the quality of life of people with intellectual or developmental disabilities (Down syndrome, ASD and cerebral palsy), through self-directed support practices and methodologies. It is a look committed to the future, the result of a broad participation of multidisciplinary work teams that have reflected together on concepts and tools that allow progress towards deinstitutionalization.

Guía de orientaciones básicas a docentes sobre competencias digitales para la ciudadanía DigComp 2.2.
Teaching teams need to use technology in a simple, practical way that reaches all students.
This Guide reviews the main difficulties of virtual teaching, and recommendations to be taken into account to overcome them. It also proposes guidelines for creating digital content in an accessible way. It contains many resources available through links with which to improve the way of teaching through technology and many examples of how to put these resources into practice.

Guía universitaria para estudiantes con discapacidad
Information on the resources available in both public and private universities in Spain to promote the inclusion of university students with disabilities. Provides contact details, website, telephone and email of the Support Services for People with Disabilities of the universities.