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Module 2 - Campus Life

Administrative Staff Learning Path

4.2. Downloadable Documents
Video of the 1st State Meeting of University Students with Intellectual Disabilities held on 15 and 16/6/2.022 with the participation of students from the Universidad Pablo de Olavide and the Universidad Camilo José Cela.

Cristina Paredero habla en la Universidad Camilo José Cela
Plena Inclusión España reports on the participation of Cristina Paredero, a woman with Asperger's who is a member of its Board of Directors, in the 1st State Meeting of University Students with Intellectual Disabilities held on 15 and 16/6/2.022 with the participation of students from the Pablo de Olavide and Camilo José Cela Universities.

Grupo de trabajo sobre Inclusión de estudiantes con discapacidad intelectual en el entorno universitario
This working group was included in the framework of the V International Congress on University and Disability (CIUD) held virtually from 20 to 22/10/21. Given the scarce research work published for this population of students we value including this publication as complementary material in this course. Within the shared proceedings book, the communications of this group comprise pages 710 to 829.
DigComp into Action - Get inspired, make it happen. A user guide to the European Digital Competence Framework
The European Digital Competence Framework (DigComp) provides a common understanding of what digital competence is. This guide shares 38 existing inspiring practices of DigComp implementations. These are illustrated with 50 content consisting of case studies and tools. The list of examples provided in the annex to the guide is not exhaustive and is intended to illustrate the wide range of DigComp implementation practices.

Tecnología y discapacidad
Annual report by the Adecco Foundation (Spain) analysing the impact of new technologies on the lives of people with disabilities. It analyses how the pandemic has brought with it a process of sudden technologisation, consolidating the digital economy and opening up new and growing opportunities for the labour inclusion of people with disabilities, thanks to the irruption of adapted technologies and technological support products, robotisation and its potential to break down discrimination barriers based on variables such as physical strength, inertia or roles, or the consolidation of teleworking.