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Module 2 - Campus Life

Administrative Staff Learning Path

5.2. Learning Activities and Exercises
Activities are categorised into each of the Transversal Competences areas of Employability, Relational Competence and Personal Competence. Each activity may be undertaken from the perspective of the participant and their learning pathways: Students, Teachers, Administrators.
Duration: 45 minutes for each activities

Learning objectives for the administrators:
1. Know how to offer practical supports useful in orienting students with intellectual disabilities in the professional field;
2. Know how to offer students with intellectual disabilities the most appropriate tools to follow their university path in the most possible accessible way;
3. To inform students of the opportunities available to them to collaborate and engage with other students on campus and receive support from them;
4. Support students with intellectual disabilities in building their own autonomy and a more independent lifestyle at the University.

Employment Competences
1) What practical supports does your university provide to enable ID students to progress into employment?
2) Does your university offer any continuing development modules to ID alumni to support the transition to working life after college?

Relational Competence
1) List the opportunities open to ID students in your university to interact: a] socially and b] academically, with other students
2) Does your campus afford ID students clear and accessible means of communication. Give examples of these in terms of: timetables; lecture note provision; tutorials and informal communications.

Personal Competence
1) Give examples of how your university bridges the gap for new ID students to move from second level to the more independent living style of college life.
2) How does the university foster empowerment and enable autonomy for ID students when they participate in group activities.