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Module 3 - Research

Administrative Staff Learning Path

7.3. Learning objects/practical activities
Duration: 40 minutes for each activities

Learning objectives for the administrators:
Know some perspectives from which to position ourselves and research disability issues;
Know reliable sources in different countries where research on people with disabilities can be consulted;
Recognise the leading role of people with disabilities in disability research.

To reinforce your knowledge in this chapter, we propose the following practical activities:

Activity 1: Literature review
Carry out a simple literature review (at least 15 scientific articles) in social science databases on universities and disability in the last year and list the topics covered. With this activity you will be able to check the scientific priorities on this topic.

Activity 2: Read the following abstract and prepare a summary of it to which you should add your opinion on it in a maximum of 300 words.
McDonald, K. E., & Kidney, C. A. (2012). What is right? Ethics in intellectual disabilities research. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 9(1), 27-39. (English version)
McDonald, K. E., & Kidney, C. A. (2012). What is right? Ethics in intellectual disabilities research. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 9(1), 27-39. (Spanish version)